
Showing posts from 2017


I got interested in the topic of Mechanical Engineering when I was searching up majors and I read the description of this career. There were two things that caught my eye. First of all, it involves hands-on-work and secondly, they get paid really good.


My BIG QUESTION is, "What do I need to know to become a Mechanical Engineer?" A description of my BIG QUESTION  is I just want to to know like the "Tips and Tricks" of this major so when the moment comes, everything can be much easier or it can be like things that sound familiar and that I would already know of. This topic interests me because Engineering pays good and also because I love doing hands-on-work. Another reason is because this could be my future and the career that will maintain my family and I.

"Immigrants In Our Own Land" Theme

The theme of the poem "Immigrants In Our Own Land", in my opinion, is that the author is showing us throughout the whole poem an example of 'Expectations versus Reality'.

Emerson Essay

         Emerson's title and thesis were Self-Reliance. This was his title and thesis because the whole essay basically talks about how we should rely on ourselves, and not on others for answers. His tone, diction, and syntax used in his writing is relevant but different than many others. His main idea of self-reliance was supported by many ways with his tone , diction, and syntax.          His tone was very straight forward, serious, and bold. It's also a persuasive essay; his tone is really convincing to the reader. He also shows a little foolishness in his tone by first saying, " Who so would be a man...", and then he shows the foolishness by saying ," you shall be misunderstood."          Emerson's diction is a very unique one. He says things such as "imitation is suicide" and to "trust thyself." Now a days, being yourself is difficult because someone or something is always trying to interfere. However...

"A Sound of Thunder" Response

So far in the story, I'm really enjoying it. I watch the TV show of "The Flash" and this story reminds me of it because they both have to do with time and how everything could go wrong if you change something from the past. I like the story because it keeps me on my toes and I always want to know what is next.


WE DON'T WANT TO DO LITERATURE ANALYSIS! (Well at least I dont, who agrees?)


What did I do well? My paragraphs and organization overall is what I did well. What do I need to work on? I need to work on putting a little bit more effort in the small details in each explanation.

5 Questions Quiz

Hello Dr. Preston, you said you were gonna check if people had done their quiz so I'm sure that you're reading this.... I did not get to make my video because I got really SICK this weekend and I didn't want to make a video where I sound really bad. I will do the quiz once I am WELL if that's OK with you...

Vocabulary: Fall List #6

meme : A virus to the brain. Virus : A piece of code that is capable of copying itself and typically has a detrimental effect. Such as corrupting the system or destroying data. Viral : An image, video, advertisement, etc that circulated rapidly on the internet. Blog : A regularly updated website or webpage, typically one ran by an individual or small group, that is written in an informal or conversational style. Wiki : A website that allows collaborative editing of its content structure by its users. URL : The address of a World Wide Web page. Website : A location connected to the internet that maintains one or more pages on the World Wide Web. www : A network of online content that is formatted in HTML and accessed via HTTP. Internet : A global computer network providing a variety of information and communication facilities. 2.0 : Used to denote a superior or more advanced version of an original concept, product, service, etc. Open Source : Denoting software for which the ori...

Vocab Quiz

1. I don't remember getting bit by anything venomous. 2. When I'm alone, I'm mostly stolid.  3. I have never gotten suspended from school. 4. When I shaved, I looked transformed from old to young. 5. I anticipate to be able to drive legally soon.


 Young Goodman Brown is a dynamic character. At the end of the story, Young Goodman Brown is very confused, sad, and doubtful over his towns people. In my opinion, Young Goodman Brown did not experience something real in the woods. I feel like he had a dream about all that he went through that night. The text heavily leans toward a dream, for example, "Had Goodman Brown fallen asleep in the forest, and only dreamed a wild dream of a witch meeting?" Another example from the text is, " A stern, a sad, a darkly meditative, a distrustful, if not a desperate man, did he become, from the night of that fearful dream."  

Vocabulary: Fall List #5

Venomous : (of an animals, especially snake, or their parts) secreting venom; capable of injecting venom by means of a bite or sting. Stolid : (of a person) calm, dependable and showing little emotion or animation. Hypnotize : produce a state of hypnosis in (someone). Suspended : temporarily prevent from continuing or being in force or effect. Transformed : make a thorough or dramatic change in the form appearance, or character of. Accuse : charge(someone) with an offense or crime. Anticipate : regard as probable; expect or predict. Fringe : an ornamental border of threads left loose or formed into tased or twists, used to edge clothing or material. Melancholy : a feeling of pensive sadness, typically with no obvious cause. Earnestly : with sincere and intense conviction; seriously. Dissolve : (with reference to a solid) become or cause to become incorporated into a liquid o as to form a solution. Illuminate : light up. Capillary : any of the fine branching blood vessels that form a...

Vocabulary: Fall List #4

Intermittent : Occurring at irregular interval; not continuous or steady. Ebb : The movement of the tide out to sea. Regress : Return to a former or less developed state. Tendency : An inclination toward a particular characteristic or type of behavior. Antiseptic : Relating to or denoting substances that prevent the growth of disease-causing microorganism.

"Young Goodman Brown" Questions Answered

Hawthorne's purpose for writing this story is to expose the faith of the Puritans.                            After reading the story, Faith's name is no longer aptly because Brown lost his faith in Faith. In the beginning of the story, Brown did have true faith in her until he saw Faith at the ceremony and that caused the loss of faith.                                                                                                       Faith's pink ribbons signify Faith's innocence and true faith, so when Brown saw her pink ribbons fall, he began to lose faith in her.                           ...


Coherent : (For an argument, theory, or policy) logical and consistent Belabor : Argue or elaborate (a subject) in excessive detail Eschew : Deliberately avoid using; abstain from Acquisitive : Excessively interested in acquiring money or material things Emulate : Match of surpass (a person or achievement) typically by imitation Banal : So lacking in originally as to be obvious and boring Excoriation : Harsh criticism Congeal : Solidify or coagulate, especially by cooling Carping : Difficult to please; critical Substantiate : Provide evidence to support or prove the truth of Temperize : Avoid making a decision or committing oneself in order to gain time Largesse : Generosity in bestowing money or gifts upon others Terable : Able to maintained or defended against attack or objection Insatiable : (Of an appetite or desire) impossible to satisfy Reconnaissance : Military observation of a region to locate an enemy or ascertain strategic features Germane : Relevant to a subject under consid...

Vocabulary: Fall List #2

Faith : Complete trust or confidence in someone or something Threshold : A strip of wood, metal, or stone forming the bottom of a doorway and crossed in entering a house or room Tarr y : Of, like, or covered with tar Resolve : Settle or find a solution to (a problem, dispute or contentious matter) Discern : Perceive or recognize (something) Martyr : A person who is killed because of their religion or other beliefs Mirth : Amusement, especially as expressed in laughter Catechism : A summary of the principles of Christian religion in the form of questions and answers Pious : Devoutly religious Frenzy : A state or period of uncontrolled excitement or wild behavior


"Soccer is Life"                 If soccer was a girl, I would marry her. I love soccer in a different way than others. I have been playing soccer since I was 4 years old. I can play everyday and I won't get bored. I have accomplished so many things with soccer. First of all, I went to Texas for a week just to play soccer. I had an amazing first game. I had scouts talk to my coach and they said they would keep an eye on me. Second, I became a Varsity player for SMHS soccer. I have accomplished this by hard work and dedication. I'm still in Varsity and hope that by senior year I at least have my one ring I have wished for. Lastly, I'm thinking about my future with soccer because I want to become a professional soccer player. If nothing happens with scouts in a few years then I will have to go to Mexico so I can try out at my hometown's professional soccer team or even better options. Right now I'm just w orking o n e xcellence.

Vocabulary: Fall List #1

Theme : Central or main idea in a text Tone : The authors attitude towards the subject, the characters, or audience Mood : The readers emotion Diction : The words that an author chooses to use Syntax : The way the author puts words together Stupid : Having or showing a great lack of intelligence or common sense Adumbrate : Report or represent in outline Apotheosis : The highest point in the development of something; culmination or climax Ascetic : Characterized by or suggesting the practice of severe self discipline and abstention from all forms of indulgence, typically for religious reasons Bauble : A small, showy trinket or decoration Beguile : Charm or enchant(someone), sometimes in a deceptive way Burgeon : Begin to grow or increase rapidly; flourish Complement : A thing that completes or brings to perfection Contumacious : Stubbornly or willfully disobedient to authority Curmudgeon : A bad tempered or surly person Didactic : Intended to teach, particularly in having moral instruct...

The Consience of a Hacker Response

I really like what "The Mentor" is trying to tell us. He is basically introducing us to how hackers might start to get interested in getting into the deep part of technology. My favorite part is where he talks about how he is a criminal and his crime is curiosity and many other things. He also says that government makes nuclear bombs, police brutality, etc. and the hackers are still the "criminals." He has very good points to make that they give us that feeling of "yea, hackers are nothing wrong but they are just full of knowlegde a lot of us dont have."

The Earth on Turtle's Back Theme and Tone

I feel like the theme of this short story is sacrifice. I think the tone of the author is creative and he isn't trying to get to the point. He is giving us words that we can enjoy before we get to the Climax or even the end of the story.

My Big Question

What do I need to know to become a Mechanical Engineer?

Richard Cory Poem Recital

The Earth on Turtle's Back Response

I like this short story because it is about determination. The animals were determined to help the women to stand on Earth and some teamwork came in play and what they wished for was then accomplished. It is one of many versions of how the world was created and I like this one because it is creative but I obviously don't believe in it.

The Right to your Opinion Response

I feel like this is basically just a deeper explanation of what our opinions are actually worth and what they can referred to. I also thought some of this was a bit confusing because the author was everywhere giving examples and always explaining.

Richard Cory Theme and Tone

I think the theme of this poem is to never judge somebody because you don't know what they are going through in life. I think the tone of the author is a serious and, get to the point, type of attitude.

Richard Cory Poem Response

This is a very good poem explaining how we see people from their outside life but we don't know them from their private life. We sometimes want to be like them but we don't know what they're going through. Again, very good poem but with a sad ending.

Welcome to my Blog

Welcome everyone. Feel free to read and comment on my Blog. Tell me what's good and what's bad so I know what you, the reader's, want to see.