
Showing posts from October, 2017


What did I do well? My paragraphs and organization overall is what I did well. What do I need to work on? I need to work on putting a little bit more effort in the small details in each explanation.

5 Questions Quiz

Hello Dr. Preston, you said you were gonna check if people had done their quiz so I'm sure that you're reading this.... I did not get to make my video because I got really SICK this weekend and I didn't want to make a video where I sound really bad. I will do the quiz once I am WELL if that's OK with you...

Vocabulary: Fall List #6

meme : A virus to the brain. Virus : A piece of code that is capable of copying itself and typically has a detrimental effect. Such as corrupting the system or destroying data. Viral : An image, video, advertisement, etc that circulated rapidly on the internet. Blog : A regularly updated website or webpage, typically one ran by an individual or small group, that is written in an informal or conversational style. Wiki : A website that allows collaborative editing of its content structure by its users. URL : The address of a World Wide Web page. Website : A location connected to the internet that maintains one or more pages on the World Wide Web. www : A network of online content that is formatted in HTML and accessed via HTTP. Internet : A global computer network providing a variety of information and communication facilities. 2.0 : Used to denote a superior or more advanced version of an original concept, product, service, etc. Open Source : Denoting software for which the ori...

Vocab Quiz

1. I don't remember getting bit by anything venomous. 2. When I'm alone, I'm mostly stolid.  3. I have never gotten suspended from school. 4. When I shaved, I looked transformed from old to young. 5. I anticipate to be able to drive legally soon.


 Young Goodman Brown is a dynamic character. At the end of the story, Young Goodman Brown is very confused, sad, and doubtful over his towns people. In my opinion, Young Goodman Brown did not experience something real in the woods. I feel like he had a dream about all that he went through that night. The text heavily leans toward a dream, for example, "Had Goodman Brown fallen asleep in the forest, and only dreamed a wild dream of a witch meeting?" Another example from the text is, " A stern, a sad, a darkly meditative, a distrustful, if not a desperate man, did he become, from the night of that fearful dream."  

Vocabulary: Fall List #5

Venomous : (of an animals, especially snake, or their parts) secreting venom; capable of injecting venom by means of a bite or sting. Stolid : (of a person) calm, dependable and showing little emotion or animation. Hypnotize : produce a state of hypnosis in (someone). Suspended : temporarily prevent from continuing or being in force or effect. Transformed : make a thorough or dramatic change in the form appearance, or character of. Accuse : charge(someone) with an offense or crime. Anticipate : regard as probable; expect or predict. Fringe : an ornamental border of threads left loose or formed into tased or twists, used to edge clothing or material. Melancholy : a feeling of pensive sadness, typically with no obvious cause. Earnestly : with sincere and intense conviction; seriously. Dissolve : (with reference to a solid) become or cause to become incorporated into a liquid o as to form a solution. Illuminate : light up. Capillary : any of the fine branching blood vessels that form a...